Rising Issue in the dance community

Being part of the dance community is time consuming and not always the easiest experiences. Between late night practices, competitions, special appearances, end of year shows, etc. One really has to be dedicated to this partnership between their love for it and actually doing it.

However, currently there is an issue in the dance community that no one is speaking upon. Youth dancers between the ages four-eighteen who are on competitive dance team rehearse for an extraneous number of hours. Those typically range at thirty hours. Dance studios are taking it to their advantage of the free time that is available from their students and they abuse it.

Bringing awareness on this issue and help reducing the number of hours practiced can become a detrimental factor on the youth. Between their mental health and physical health, bringing awareness and speaking on this issue can help youth competitive dancers.

Not only does bringing awareness to this issue help youth competitive dancers, but it shows that these dancers are just kids and have other things to worry about outside of dance (no matter the age). As well, as bringing attention to my youth audiences who want to pursue a dance career and how this may help them prepare for the number of hours they must practice for.

Bringing awareness does not stop here. Speaking to local dance studios in your area and asking how many hours their youth dancers’ practice for one step is just. The next step is helping them realize that practicing for those many hours are becoming a disadvantage to their team health wise.


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