Major Key Alert

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Remembering some major KEY components when you are captain can be tough especially on your rough days. But, always keeping these components in the back of your mind can get you through successful leadership. 

These 5 simple components are the easiest to remember!

The first component is: ALWAYS staying positive! As a captain, is important to remember that energy radiates. When I was captain, if I had a bad day, I tried my hardest not to show my teammates because I did not want them to radiate this energy. Trying to motivate everyone to think positively, creates a goal as the basis of the team.

The second component is: Creating a relationship with your coach. Being a captain is basically being a "middle man". How do you ask? Well,  as a captain you are the person that connects the coach and the teammates together. Creating a relationship with your coach is key because you should be able to talk to them about your concerns and the teams concerns. Same goes to the coach, they should be able to tell you their concerns to inform the team. Creating this relationship is like starting a new lifelong friendship. 

The third component is: Staying humble and work hard. Not only are you a captain but you are a role model. You should be able to work as hard as your team does, or even double that. This attitude spreads throughout the team and makes them want to work harder than they already do. 

The fourth component is: DO NOT compare yourself to past captains. This is YOUR year to shine. This is your year to bring stuff to the table that has never been seen before. Your year to start from scratch. Changing what you did not like from previous leaders is okay! Experiencing these things and growing from them is what takes to be a leader. As captain, I wanted to bring something new to the table. I wanted our first performance not to be solely based on hip-hop like previous years, but to now include jazz-funk into it. I did it and it was the best performance this team had!

The final component is: Motivate and delegate. From my experience as a captain, I let all the stress get to me. I forgot that I had other teammates that were willing to help me whenever I needed it. You as a captain, should be able to let others help you because you may have future leaders on your hand. 

"Being a captain will teach you so many things about yourself and about life. Embrace it and enjoy every minute" 


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