"GO Captain!"

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For some final advice on how to conquer your year! Here are some 9 worthy tips to reinforce. 

  1. Set goals as a team
  2. Always keep your energy level high
  3. Be alert and adaptable 
  4. Manage time wisely 
  5. Be organized
  6. Remember why you were chosen for this position
  7. Lead by example
  8. Do not disconnect yourself from your teammates
  9. You're all on the team to DANCE!
Always remember to take in all the little moments with your teammates. The good and the bad ones make your experience as captain, to what you want it to be! There will be rough days, but it is importantly to always keep in mind why you are the captain and in lead. You are the leader, and this is your team. However, there will be amazing days. And those are the ones to always remember. Being a captain is an amazing opportunity, and should be enjoyed to the fullest. 

Do not forget to ever reach out to this blog on your good and bad days. And always remember to DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING!


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