Welcome to my blog!


My name is Samantha Hess. I have been dancing for as long as I can remember. My dance journey began when I was five years old as a ballerina. After that, I started venturing out into hip-hop and even joined a competitive dance company named "Dancer Masters" from my hometown: Miami, Florida. After being in the competitive dance world, I told myself I needed a break from the high intensity of it, but I did not want to stop there. When I began high school, I joined my school's dance team named "The Charmers". I joined this team my sophomore year, became an officer my junior year, and was captain my final year. Being apart of an amazing team like that has shaped me into the person and dancer I am today.

The purpose of my blog is to address issues in the dance world and provide future dance leaders on the insight of what it is really like to be a leader. I encourage young dancers like me to utilize this blog as a resource. When I became a captain, I had little "training" when I was an officer. But it was new to me, and I did not have any resources on how to take on this role. However, I did it to the best of my abilities.So this is my little behind the scenes preview and a "dance handbook" on the do's and don'ts of being a leader!

Hope you enjoy it!


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