Technique. Technique. Technique.

Dwelling on my experience as captain, we always made time no matter how busy our schedule was for some technique classes. We called these days, "Technique Thursdays". On Thursday's, we would set time as side to go over our technique and aspects of ballet. It is important to remember that, the basis of dance starts from ballet and technique. Ballet is not every one's strong suit, in fact it was not mine. But going over the fundamentals every once in a while, creates a strong disciplined dancer. 

As a little girl, I started my journey into the dance world as a "ballerina". Everything a little girl wishes for when she's younger. As I grew older, I started to distance my self from ballet, but no matter how many times I tried to ignore it, it always came back to me. 

---Ballet is the basic fundamental of dance!---

However, ballet is not just about technique, but about building skills...

The first thing that comes from ballet, is learning to focus

  • "Spotting" is known for focusing on one spot, when you're doing any type of turn and maintaining control. Losing focus when you are spotting can disrupt your turn. This can also represent, to always focus on life.

The second thing is, repetition and rehearsal.

  • Practice makes perfect. Whether it comes to dancing or any life obstacles, practicing over and over again until you get it right will all work out.

The third thing, doing different thing simultaneously. 

  • As a dancer, you are moving two body parts at once. You learn to multi-task, making everything look effortless and graceful. Multi-tasking in real life is the same way.

The fourth thing is, learning to "present" yourself.

  • 2 words. Posture and alignment. This helps boost your performance, and moving confidently in dance and in life..

The final thing, you always finish.

  • If you miss a beat in the song, you keep going on. Fake it till you make it. In life, if something does not go as plan, you go along until it gets done. 

Image result for ballet and hip hop


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