Image result for rest

Between balancing extraneous dance hours, performance schedules, and practice. It's always nice to give yourself, your body, and your health a little break. I may sound crazy, "A BREAK?" you may say. Yes, a break!! Taking a break is essential when being a dancer, although a lot of people do not talk about this. Needing to take a break is okay. It prevents your body and your mental health from burning out!

Tips on how to prevent burnout:
  1. RESTING! The most important key component
  2. Eating well. This does not mean to eat boring. You can still eat delicious meals with lots of nutrition. This is what fuels your body
  3. Going out and having fun. Have a social gathering with friends, family, and even fellow dance-mates
  4. Set realistic goals for your day
  5. Returning when you feel ready and rested
  7. "No pain no gain"-faze this out!
  8. Mental practice (rehearsing choreography in your head)
  9. There is more to life than being in the studio
  10. Getting the correct amount hours of sleep
  11. Being aware and monitoring your self while practicing 
These are just eleven tips and tricks that can help get a dancer through everyday life. Encouraging that it is okay to take a break when needed. Having a "mental health" day, can heal whatever stress dance is bringing upon. It's always best to know when to be responsible and taking over your body.

Image result for rest


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